A modern pool house renovation utilises a classic Kiwi building material

For the owners of this Auckland property, the opportunity to make over their outdoor entertainment area meant they would be able to capitalise on the usability of the space and create a connection between old and new. 

While all the elements were there–swimming pool, pool house and outdoor living–a lack of connection between all three meant the disconnect stopped them from enjoying all aspects of the backyard.

The family turned to Johnston Architects to bring cohesion to the whole, which meant a total renovation of the pool house, which almost doubled in size, and improved connection between the three elements, with a focus on the overall look.

Firth 15 Series Grey Masonry Blocks, which are part of Firth’s extensive structural masonry range, were specified. “The designers achieved stunning visual cohesion by using the same Firth masonry Blocks that were used in the original house,” Firth’s architect and specification consultant Bernice Cumming says. 

“Firth Masonry Blocks have been a staple construction product in the building industry for decades. The benefits are well known; design flexibility, durability and their obvious aesthetic quality, which for this Remuera pool house project, made them the ideal choice to complement the home’s modernist design while seamlessly tying old and new together.”

Firth Masonry Blocks boast enviable acoustic and thermal efficiency and are both fire and earthquake resistant. From a sustainability and low carbon perspective, they’re also an excellent option, being manufactured right here in New Zealand using locally sourced, natural materials. 

“When combined with good design the 15 Series, along with all of the options in the structural range, can be used to create beautiful and functional elements around your home. From the core structure and profile of the house itself, to more creative uses such as landscaping, outdoor fires and pizza ovens, swimming pool surrounds and, of course, stylish entertaining areas,” Bernice says.

Masonry blocks have cemented themselves in the fabric of our country over the last 100 years, and Firth Grey Masonry 15 Series blocks are one the most ubiquitous and versatile masonry products used in the building industry today. They are literally the building block of New Zealand and can be seen in homes, commercial buildings and iconic structures around the country.

“They provide designers and architects, as well as homeowners, with a flexible, blank canvas on which to pour their creative ambition. Whether it be designing eye-catching shapes or creating the literal foundations of a grand design, the sky’s the limit when it comes to building with the Firth Grey Masonry range,” Bernice says.


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