Simon James’ lovely new home

Simon James
Simon James’ expanded Auckland showroom focuses on residental design. Photograph by Simon Devitt.


Simon James’ Auckland showroom has a generous new residential focus, thanks to an expanded and renovated ground-floor space that showcases the firm’s offerings for the home.

Simon James
Simon James’ ‘Hex’ pendant hangs in the Auckland showroom. Photograph by Simon Devitt.


Alongside James’ own designs – including his ‘Hex’ pendant, which won our Design Awards in 2013 – are creations by New Zealand designers Nat Cheshire, Jamie McLellan, Phil Cuttance, Cameron Foggo, Gidon Bing and Jason Whiteley, as well as the best of imported brands including Massproductions, Established & Sons, Secto and Swedese.

Simon James
Photograph by Simon Devitt.


Simon James Design
61 Upper Queen Street
Newton, Auckland

09 377 5556

Simon James
Photograph by Simon Devitt.
Simon James
Photograph by Simon Devitt.
Simon James
Photograph by Simon Devitt.
Simon James
Photograph by Simon Devitt.

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