Inspired by cast iron handmade in the 1800s, the antique finish of this contemporary cookware could, at first touch, pass as a ceramic surface.

Ironclad Pan Co was founded in 2019 with a simple mission: to create a sustainable product that would mean a return to beautiful craft and traditional techniques. “This is a delicate ecosystem we are part of. A Teflon pan has an average lifespan of two years. Our products have a 100-year guarantee, or three generations of daily use,” co-founder Kate Slavin explains.
That ethos has underpinned every new product release, including its most recent — and premium — piece, the Heirloom skillet.
“It’s a handmade piece made to be handed down that can be used on almost any type of cooking surface including induction cooktops, camp-fires, and barbecues.

“Poured in a single cast and hand finished to create the antique finish, it is then hand seasoned. It works like a non-stick pan and feels like ceramic, without the nasty chemicals. Nothing is taken from the ground during the manufacturing process — it is made of 100 per cent purified recycled iron.”
The beauty of these pieces is not just in the immaculate craftsmanship and intentional design of every element, but in their ultimate versatility — whether it’s an intricate dish in the oven, or cooking over the camp-fire, and the Heirloom represents the finest in the collection.
It is a piece that harks back to a time when life was simpler; when food was grown and farmed for local consumption, and as co-founder Joe Carter puts it: “We didn’t fly tomatoes from one side of the planet to the other just so we could eat them out of season [and we didn’t buy cookware made with chemicals to put into landfill a couple of years later]. We had it right once. Surely, with a little patience, understanding, and commitment, we can work towards getting it right again.”
When it comes to enjoying the great outdoors this summer, there’s arguably nothing better than doing so with a meal cooked outdoors on a piece designed with simplicity and sustainability at its core.
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