Blum shares expert tips on creating a beautiful, functional kitchen

Kitchen design specialist Blum brings Austrian innovation to Kiwi households. We hear from Blum expert Sophie Beets about how to create a dream space


Kitchen specialist Blum shares tips for designing a beautiful, functional space


Blum considers New Zealanders to be very design savvy. How does this influence our kitchens?
Sophie Beets, Blum Not only do New Zealanders predict and follow international trends, but they adapt them to context. Lifestyle is a big driver.

Being Austrian based, how does Blum understand our unique needs?
Blum takes time to understand needs from each area; research is imperative to product development and innovation. Blum’s understanding of a ‘Kiwi kitchen’ recently reached a new level with 10 sample kitchens being observed in use and studied to see what factors are unique to New Zealand.

What fundamentals should be considered in a new design?
Simple workflows, optimal space usage and quality motion of hardware. Keep the design brief clear with your key needs – these are personal to how you work and will make the kitchen fit your lifestyle.


In testing workflow, what should be considered?
Run through daily tasks to see if different zones have the right storage, as well as how you transition between spaces. A tip is to increase or duplicate your preparation space if you have a multi-chef household.

More than 60 percent of new kitchen owners want more storage space. Consider how often you shop, capacity required and the items that you access most often – storage should be fit-for-purpose. If you love entertaining, why not allow for extra cutlery and plates to sit ergonomically in your top two drawers?

Can you have quality of motion for the lifetime of your kitchen?
Investing in quality hardware means you won’t have to worry about slamming doors or drawers laden with plates. Usability is not the day you move in – it’s in five years, 10 years, 20 years time.

Can a practical kitchen be beautiful?
Of course. Functional planning considerations are the foundation of good kitchen design, but the feel and aesthetics are just as important. The wonderful thing about New Zealand is that the majority of our manufacturers custom build – bespoke tailoring of finishes, specifications and materials are part of the process.

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