Naked dance

Experimental niche perfume house .Oddity’s ethos is simple — to inspire with offerings that pursue creative expression through craft, culture, and storytelling in an interplay of visual and olfactory arts.

The fragrances ARE whimsical, eccentric, sometimes dramatic, and always expressive of the physical and emotional worlds in which we live. The brand’s first collection of three perfumes explores everything from intimacy to theatre and fashion; narratives imbued with sensory experiences.

Naked Dance, an olfactory expression of life at home — the bliss of intimate liberty to be ourselves. Warm, sensual, milky, and woody. Dead Air, in contrast, is a macabre fantasy of decadent shadows and drama; blurry black tones and exuberant flora. Resonant, the last of the trio, is a celebration of effortless finesse; ozonic citrus, hot iron, and zesty energy.

Established in 2020, .Oddity is led by a design collective, with legendary perfumer Mark Buxton, who created iconic scents for the likes of Comme des Garçons and Le Labo, and rising star David Chieze the noses for .Oddity. Each limited-edition bottle is a masterpiece, created with rare ingredients in Grasse, France, and features unique, handcrafted caps made from wooden scraps, charcoal, and bismuth encapsulated in epoxy resin — each are one-of-a-kind, envisioned to live a life as a design object long after the perfume is finished.

.Oddity is available exclusively in New Zealand from Tessuti. 

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