Videographer Paul Brandon is usually travelling the country, capturing our homes on film. Now in lockdown, Paul is taking the time to unwind and spend time with his family.
HOME: What’s the best part of your view from home?
Paul Brandon: I love this little sunspot to lie down in and nap or play the guitar. The word DREAM is a little out of sorts, but it’s my little spot to unwind and relax.
H: What are you reading?
PB: A book called ’The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell. Back in the first lockdown when and I had little more time on my hands I started developing a few card games. My flatmate has jumped on board with development since and it’s been a really fun project to work on together.
This book is really good at going through each of the different aspects and stages of what makes any game (card game or not) successful. A bit nerdy, but enjoyable. This photo is from a few months ago (not in lockdown), testing the game with some friends.

HOME: What are you watching?
PB: I’m a sucker for a decent feel-good movie. I watched a movie based on a true story with my Mum the other night called ‘The Climb’ and quite enjoyed it. It’s the story of a French guy who without really thinking, says to the girl he liked, “I’d do anything for you.. even climb Mt Everest if that’s what it took.” The girl didn’t believe him and shrugged his comment off. So without any climbing experience, this guy takes up the challenge and goes about climbing Mt Everest!
HOME: What’s something fun that’s been happening in your world?
PB: I’ve been doing lockdown with my family and randomly we started playing eye tiggy. It’s rather silly but basically, you use your finger to pull down the skin just below your eye when someone else is looking at you and then they become ‘it’ and have to tag someone else. It’s the best when my Dad finally relieves himself from being ‘it’ and laughs cheekily at the person he tagged.

HOME: What’s inspiring you right now?
PB: My little niece Oak’s zest and energy for life. She’s always learning something new and stoked when she does something for herself the first time. She has definitely has made me think and look inward about my life moving forward.

Discover what our friends are up to in lockdown in our HOME in five series.