Luxury underfoot

A wet-room design, marked by a level-entry shower delivers an enviable feature — one that is both seamless and stylish without long-term maintenance.

Contemporary bathrooms, no matter the size, have evolved into places of sanctuary; spaces of privacy and comfort, allowing us to revive and pamper, or enjoy a moment of solitude and unwind at the end of the day. 

This has never been so true as with recent design innovations and waterproofing technology. Warmup offers an innovative solution for a seamless bathroom aesthetic.

The Warmup level-entry shower system, combined with under-tile heating, comes with a 15-year warranty on materials and installation for a simple, comfortable source of heating and a sleek tiled finish. 

This low-maintenance shower solution is the next step in luxury and comfort, providing a sense of oasis for years to come.

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In the Coromandel, a home with a humble profile and a thoughtful design makes the most of a stunning location.

Built with awe-inspiring attention to detail, this Arrowtown home is a fresh interpretation of a familiar Otago rural vernacular.

This sculptural Northland bach is a perfect north arrow on a remote farm high above the sea.

With the sun on its bow and the community at its stern, this is a house in which the elements are always front of mind.

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