Mindful materials

HOME + with small.

Back in 2016, from the attic space of an Auckland cafe, the idea to make sustainable toilet paper was formed. Fast forward six years, and with small is continuing to expand their range by creating tablet cleaning products produced here in New Zealand, with small managing director, Tony Small explains.

“Every day, 27,000 trees get flushed down the loo for toilet paper use alone, according to World Watch magazine. National Geographic recently reported a whopping 91 per cent of plastic is not being recycled. We want to produce products which have a big impact with small change to our daily habits. 

“Our newest range makes it easy and convenient to reduce single-use plastic while saving our customers time and money.  Plastic was produced to last forever, but most of it is only used for a short period of time. Very little of that plastic waste is recycled, making its way to landfill or our oceans and having a toxic effect. We’ve produced a premium reusable aluminium bottle which you can use again and again. All that’s required to refill your cleaners at home is one of our with small tablets and water. 
“Our goal as a company has been to make everyday essentials – from toilet paper, tissues and paper towels, to household cleaners and a handful of new products we’re currently working on. Today, we remain an independent NZ-owned company dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of our customers, suppliers, manufacturers, and the planet, through our range of products. 
“While we produce products that have a much smaller footprint, we do still produce carbon. We’ve been certified through Toitū Envirocare as carbon zero since 2019, eliminating our carbon footprint through purchasing carbon credits that help plant trees and install solar energy stations around the world; this is one of our proudest achievements so far.”
with small toilet paper, tissues and paper towels are made using tree-free materials such as sustainably grown bamboo fibres – every product is designed to reduce the impact of deforestation and single-use plastics.

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