Every house-proud pet owner will want one of these designer dog bowls

Introducing HOME + Furf + Dulux, a limited-edition range of premium, colour-conscious pet bowls and mats. Discover how to pre-order yours today

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To purchase, email homenewzealand@bauermedia.co.nz with the subject line ‘Furf’ and your product choice and colour selection. We’ll contact you for payment in early 2020.

As a co-founder of Blunt umbrellas, Scott Kington knows how to take a humble, everyday object and make it special. But with the rainy season over, the creative thinker decided it was time to lend his special treatment to pet products.

It wasn’t long into market research before Kington and his team, including designer David Haythornthwaite, found that the majority of pet products were made from cheap plastics or ceramics. Aiming much higher, they launched Furf – a range of premium pet bowls and mats made from food-grade, dishwasher-safe, non-slip silicone rubber and stainless steel.

We like Kington’s thinking, so we asked if he would collaborate on a limited-edition range. Thankfully, he said yes. We then asked colour-and-design specialist Davina Harper to select three hues from the Dulux ‘Colours of New Zealand’ range of paint. She chose Dulux Kōwhai Park (yellow), Dulux Lake Mangamahoe (blue) and Dulux Wainui Beach (green).

With the help of a different variety of talent: Harry, Bowie, Ruby, Baxter, Duke and Billie – we bring you our limited-edition range of pet products.

We are producing 300 bowls and 300 mats (100 in each colour), which are available in one size. Colours of the bowls, $89 each, and mats, $99 each, can be mixed and matched. A portion of each sale goes to Pet Refuge, which provides temporary shelter for pets affected by domestic violence.

To purchase, email homenewzealand@bauermedia.co.nz with the subject line ‘Furf’ and your product choice and colour selection. We’ll contact you for payment in early 2020.

Styling: Sara Black. Photography: Toaki Okano.

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